It was nice to have Asp's place all to ourselves. Her son was staying at a friends so nakedness was the uniform of the night and it was great. Sleep was at an all time low with a every 2 hour schedule. So I need a nap when I get out of the office today and before I go hiking.
We started sharing our secrets last night which was a fun new step. Up to this point I hadn't stated that I had dated the Photographer, but that came up last night. I was wondering if it would or not, but she asked if I had dated anyone in the group that was still in it.
I'm staying on course with not spending every night at her place even though she would like me to. I would too, but I know I need to keep my life still going. Also I'll be sleeping over Sunday night and staying with her most of the day Monday to celebrate our first month of being together.
She wanted to know the Italian Chandelier was since it was so many calories. I thought it was a joke since most of the last ones were, but I looked it up and there was a lot on it. If you want the picture it's here. A complete break down is here on Christian Nymphos. Hey I don't make this shit up. Why? Because there is no reason too. Most stuff out there is beyond what I could think up know a days. Anyway I'm really surprised that the Wheelbarrow is so much less calorie burning than doggie style which more positional than work. Asp is texting me that tomorrow night is way too far away.