Got a good night sleep last night and awoke out of my funk that has been plaguing me the last few days. People are calling to come in and a second day in the row of many patients. Hopefully this trend will continue. I'll keep plugging away on my end and hopefully the rest will play out nicely.
I was hoping to talk to Spa Girl today, but so far she isn't here yet. I would like together Thursday after my lecture. If not it will have to be next week which would suck. I have a break later on today so I'll see if she is there then.
Well tonight starts my paid salsa classes with formalized instruction. Hopefully someone else besides myself paid. The only thing that sucks with having it Tuesday nights is I usually get tickets from Paper boy as gratitude for all the referrals I give him. Tonight I have Beowulf, but will have to give it out to one of my patients. Although I'm not quite sure if any of them can use it.
One thing I have to get use to with being busier in the office is having time to do the extras like the gym and going to see my Mom. An hour out of my day becomes hard especially with my Mom.
Too Much Swag and Sadness
6 months ago
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