Going Sane in a Crazy World

My journey through life and the lessons I learn to help me grow spiritually.

Sane Friends

For All You Women

I'm bored and I've been strolling from blog to blog across the internet universe. I never made it to the rim, but I did find many sink holes. Anway I found this gem. It has all these great guy online dating profiles. If you think Craig's List is funny you'll enjoy this. Here's a taste:

Looking for virtuous woman

Age: 41

Location: Kentucky

Hi!Im looking for an awsome christian woman who is on fire for God.Im currently married and want out.I know nothing is impossible for God.Last time i prayed for a woman that liked sex as much as me now im praying for one who is virtuous.If you are the one let me know.If you know anyone who needs an awsome Christian man let me know.I also like to felloowship.Thanks for reading this. Have an awsome day!Lift Jesus higher!

On a side note I have a date Thursday evening with Law Girl. I wasn't quite sure about her when we started talking, but she has a funny personality that gels with mine. We're just both hoping for chemistry.

4 people had cathartic therapy:

Hmmm...apparently his first hook up who "loved sex as much as he did" must have strayed from him because he wasn't giving it to her enough. Looks like he's learning from his mistakes at least... ha.ha.ha...


Ha, Ha, Ha...sometimes you get what you ask for...only to find...that wasn't exactly what you meant. Too funny!


LMAO, too funny, hope your date goes well
I love hearing about dating stories,
my girlfriends tell me the best dating site stories, some of them funny, others scary, but always entertaining!


I love that link! I may add it, too.

(Oh, the irony of a married man praying to God for a virtuous woman.....No wonder we get lots of lightening down south.)

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