No one pushes my buttons like me ex. This was pointed out by my friend Paul who told me he can always tell when I'm all wound up since all I keep repeating is, "you know". Plus the only person who could do that was my ex. I tried stopping during the conversation and nearly had a stroke.
I'm closing week number 5 without talking to Eric. All my phone calls and text are met with silence. My letter last week to him was just call me. I tracked down the house phone number and called. I left a message on their answering machine. It wasn't on last night. Tomorrow I'll up it to a certified return signature deal letter. Next week it will be a call to the police to make sure they are okay.
The major thing of all of this is how fast I'm transported back 7 years till when we were married and how I was then. It's freaking amazing. So I've been doing a lot of self talk to bring me back to the present day. A friend suggested I start referring to my ex and my son's mother in an attempt to recategorize her in my mind. Hey I'll try anything.
3 people had cathartic therapy:
Your ex really sounds like a piece of work. I think you're much better off without her.
I wouldn't wait 5 weeks to be sure your son was okay...have you tried her parents? They would know...and you would avoid a police thing. Not good.
Wow, that is so unfair of the ex to do. Hugs to you and I hope you get things worked out!
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